It's been just over a month since my last chemo. I must say, I'm feeling pretty darned good. My energy level has returned to almost normal and my stamina is much better. We went for a walk yesterday that just two weeks ago I had to stop three times to catch my breath. We made the walk yesterday with no stops and I felt fine...yay! My muscles still hurt quite a bit though - but getting better. Chemo really does a number on your muscles and it takes them quite a while to recover. I am still very patiently waiting for some hair to sprout on my head. Getting very tired of the bald look and very tired of wearing caps all of the time. Patience...
The next step for me is the second phase of the reconstruction. This surgery will take place on January 30th with about a 4 week recovery process. I had tissue expanders put in at the time of my double mastectomy. It is now time for the expanders to be removed and implants with some fat transfer to take their place. I am not looking forward to another surgery and more down time - especially since I am just now feeling more myself. has to be done and I might as well get it over with. Hopefully, this will be the last surgery that I will have to endure.
Fortunately, my hubby whisked me away to the Oregon coast for a few days in between chemo recovery and next surgery and it really revitalized me in many ways. It was wonderful to have time away from recovery and cancer talk. I don't think we really brought the subject up the entire time we were gone, except to talk about good nutrition choices as we were eating out a lot. I felt alive and stress-free as we explored the coast, went for long walks and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I forgot how much I missed that place and it was good to go back.
Well, I'm off now for a healthy lunch and a nice hike to soak in the sun and fresh air. Tomorrow, venturing into the big City for another day out before all of the pre-op festivities start next week.
Enjoy the weekend :)
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