Today marks one week since my reconstruction surgery. I had my drains removed yesterday and everything looks like it is healing well. I am still very bruised and pretty sore in the chest area. My legs are still a bit swollen and very sore where the fat was removed. For those people thinking of having elective lipsosuction - don't! It hurts like H*!!. I am still moving around a bit slowly but feeling better and stronger every day. I am now permitted to do light walking - so, that's just what I'll do.
I have to continue wearing spanx-like compression garments for the next 2 weeks in order for the skin on the thighs to heal properly. Kind of a pain because I have to wear it day and night - but it's not that bad all things considered.
I'm looking forward to next week when I'll be able to do just a little bit more. I will re-start my weekly healing touch sessions and have my first acupuncture session next Thursday. I'm hoping that the acupuncture will help with my back pain and overall good health. I've never done it before, so I look forward to seeing how it might work for me.
Other than that, recovery is going well - pretty uneventful and the results seem pretty good at this point. I'll be so happy to get this behind me so that I can concentrate fully on my daughter's wedding planning which is going quite well also.
Life is good!
Sending good fast healing vibes your way! Don't over due it but fresh air is a great healer! Hugs! Bobbi