Saturday, January 3, 2015

Turning triple negative into triple positives in 2015

As we say goodbye to 2014 and welcome 2015, I find myself reflecting on the past couple of years.  2013 when I heard those words "you have breast cancer", multiple surgeries and chemotherapy - followed by 2014, a year of recovery and pushing cancer behind me.  2015 will be a year of living for today and looking forward.  My intention is to live fully each day and experience the joy and positive feeling that each day brings and to look forward to new experiences, new dreams, better health and a full and happy life.  I came across a blog that my daughter posted at the beginning of 2013.  Her words are wise, timeless and appropriate for today.  

I wish you all the best and an abundance of good health in the new year!
Sunset January 1, 2015 - taken at Moss Beach Distillary.

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a few things i've learned in 2012

Tomorrow is the last day of the year. 2012 has been good to me, for the most part but as always, there were some lessons to be learned. Here are a few things I've learned this year: 1. You have control over who you spend your time on. Get rid of the toxic people in your life and watch how quickly your life improves. Surround yourself with people who make you want to be a better person, people who inspire you, people who support you and make you laugh, people who will be there for you at your best and worst times with no judgments. These people are worth your time. 2. It's okay to be alone. You don't always need someone/something to distract you. These moments spent in solitude have proved to be very beneficial to me this year. 3. Try new things. Always try new things. Change is a good thing, and change can only be achieved by stepping out of the box (the box is sometimes disguised as your "comfort zone"). 4. Nine out of ten times, a great night is worth the terrible morning that follows. 5. To follow up #4, the best hangover cures this year have been sushi, sleep, orange juice and coffee. 6."Don't overlook lifes' small joys while searching for the big ones." -H. Jackson Brown Jr. It's so easy to get caught up in all of the hustle and stress of todays' world that sometimes we need to slow ourselves down and soak up some of the beauty that surrounds us. A few things that come to my mind are sunsets, blossoming trees and sleepy smiles. While you walk, look around you. Look up! When you spend all of your time looking down at your feet, you're missing the world around you. The main lesson I've learned is that we must live each day. Take the time to really taste your food as you eat it, start your day off with a deep breath of serenity, let your body really sink into your mattress as you end your day, let negativity go and make room for more positive things in your life, focus on what's truly important and be yourself.   my words as windows

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