Friday, November 8, 2013

Hair Loss! No Joke, they said it was coming...

Just like the doctors told me...the hair loss would begin by chemo session #2.  The hair is leaping off of my body like rats abandoning a sinking ship!  Now, in some regards it's o.k.  I can put those razors away for a while and have those nice silky legs with no cuts or nicks.  I prepared myself for the bald head a'coming by shaving it close to the scalp in preparation and that's no big deal.  But my eyebrows...wait!  I was still using them.  I've never been the best makeup artist and am not really fond of the drawn on look - holy @$%*!  I guess I'll just have to adjust to these changes, but jeez can I at least keep my eyelashes?  They are still in tact for the time being and I am quite fond of them.  Perhaps we can draw the line there.  We don't need mention other areas except to say that I feel sorry for all of the folks who spend lots of money on waxing - I get it for free!

The money I would normally pay for shampoo, conditioner and styling products is now being re-routed to copays for doctors and prescriptions.  This chemo stuff is no laughing matter.  There is something new at every turn.  Oh well, another adventure in life - never a dull moment and we can learn from every situation.  I am learning to listen to my mind and body, to be more tolerant and less judgmental of myself and my appearance.  I think sometimes we as humans spend way too much time focused on what's happening around us and what other's think of us that we don't benefit from getting to know our true selves and what really matters the most.

I am lucky, I am blessed with a wonderful family, the best children and husband, and the best friends a girl can ask for.  Sick or well, life is good and I am happy.


  1. Cheryl, only you can keep us laughing during a time like this. Last weekend I walked 60 miles in three days to help raise money for breast cancer. At around mile 15 each day my feet didn't want to walk any more but I still have 5 to go, thoughts of you keep me motivated to finish. Sorry we couldn't do a dinner before this fusion but we WILL before the next one! Hang in their girl! Hugs! Bobbi

    1. Great job on your walk Bobbi. You are a real trooper and the three day walk was an admirable thing to do. Too many of us wish we could do something to help, but to jump right out there and take action for a good cause is something that you should be commended for. Between you, Rosie, Rosie's friend Jennifer, and Val and Rocky, a lot of miles and effort has been made to raise awareness for early detection and has raised hope and prayers for many people suffering with breast cancer. I am honored that you all have included me in your reasons and determination to accomplish these runs, walks and races. I am surrounded by amazingly good people.
