Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving week and a lot to be thankful for...

It is easy to get lost in counting the days to the next chemo treatment and the miseries of the side effects that each treatment brings.  This disease really does bring you down to a day by day and sometimes minute by minute way of living as you really don't know how you will feel at any given time.

This, being Thanksgiving week brings me to reflecting on all of the great things in life and all that I have to be thankful for.

  • I have the best family... parents, siblings, children, husband, in-laws and extended family (and two cats).  I am grateful every day for their love and support and just knowing that they are there for me and I for them.
  • I am grateful for my best friends and co-workers who continue to keep me positive and provide support for me.
  • I am thankful for all of the prayers and positive thoughts that are sent on my behalf.
  • For having a roof over my head and being able to get by financially while off work as I continue treatment.
  • For the kind and wonderful medical community who I have been working with and who continue to keep me in good care.
  • I am thankful that I have a good job and health insurance and that my job will be there for me to go back to when I am finished with treatments.
  • For the drugs, oh yes, the drugs that help me to manage the side effects of this awful chemotherapy.
  • For all of the resources and people who volunteer their time and services to help those suffering with cancer and chemotherapy.
  • For my sense of humor, for without it I would truly be lost.  
  • For my good bone structure (thanks parents!) so that I can sport a bald head and still look good :)
  • I am incredibly thankful that I noticed the tumors early enough so that they were able to be removed before spreading to other parts of my body.  
  • I am thankful to be alive.
There are way too many things that I am thankful for to list - it would take forever.  I will endeavor to remain positive and thankful every day and only hope that I can repay all of those who have helped me through this in some way.  

I will be heading into Round 3 of chemo this next Wednesday and will then just have one more infusion to go on December 18th.  I am so looking forward to 2014!

I wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving full of love, family and friends.  


  1. Happy Thanksgiving week, Ma!!! I'm grateful that I have a mom who constantly provides support to me and has taught me so many things - like how to keep a positive attitude and laugh through the bad times! You're the best role model I could ever ask for and I'm so happy that you're one of my best friends. Through thick and thin, I always have my ma! Hang in there in chemo tomorrow. I wish I could be there again. I'll see you Thursday! Love you. Rosie

  2. Awww Rosie, I love you so much and you are an inspiration to me and keep me going. My kids are my heart and as long as you guys are there for me I will be strong and keep going. Yep, off to chemo in a couple of hours. After this, just one more to go - yay! BTW I put the countdown to Christmas clock at the top of my blog because that is about the time that the last chemo side effects will begin to ease up and every day after that will be getting stronger and healthier until I am back in full swing. Just a visual reminder that it is not too far off :) Love you so and will see you tomorrow for Thanksgiving. <3
