Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Heading into Round 2

As I prepare to endure round 2 of chemo, I am reflecting on how the first round treated me.  It was a lot harder than I thought it would be but I did get through it.  There were days that I wondered if I would.  The last week was really pretty good and I even got a couple of days at the beach and felt normal for a little while.  This is what I need to focus on as I go into this next phase.  I need to remember that last week before the next infusion and that I will be able to go out and do things with more energy and enjoyment.  It's kind of like the most horrible job you can imagine and having a schedule of two weeks on and one week off.  Looking forward to that one week gets you through.

I think that I may have tried to fight the symptoms a little too hard the first time and plan to give in a bit with this round.  By that I mean taking it a bit more easy and not pushing myself as hard to try to feel normal when it simply is not possible.  Not rushing to go out and do too much until that first two weeks has run its course.  Although I do need to muster up the energy to do some exercise every day no matter what.  Working the toxins through and out of my body as fast as possible helps in the recovery process.

Every day I think of the millions of people who have to go through chemotherapy.  Most of them have much longer courses of treatment that I will have and my heart goes out to them.  Knowing how difficult it is on your body, your life and everyone around you, I am amazed by the strength and and perseverance of people who do get through this and I am honored to be among them.

So, today I will get out of the house - have lunch with a friend, do some shopping, accompany my husband to an open house this evening, followed by a class at the cancer center.  Good food, friends and sunshine is my recipe for a beautiful last day of round 1.


  1. You are not fighting this battle alone girl. Me and many others are rooting you through this, cheering you on giving you vertural hugs. You are a fighter, and a strong fighter too. You will not give up, and you better not because we are all fighting for you to win this battle. Round one done, the bell rang and Cherly won. You will be ready for round two and we will be there to ensure you get through it. Hang in there, Love you! Bobbi

    1. Thank you Bobbi for keeping me inspired and reminding me of how strong I am. I appreciate all that you do for me and am so happy to have you in my life. Hugs!
