Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Team building

The first step to winning a huge battle is to get your army (team) behind you.  I am smart enough to know that while I try to be strong, I cannot do this alone.  At least not with much grace :)

You know who you are: my parents, my siblings, by children, my husband, my friends, co-workers, my medical team and the people I have yet to meet on this journey.  I am fortunate to have strong people surrounding me and I will lean on all of you from time to time.

My husband, Guy, will be my pillar and voice of reason minute by minute.  I am fortunate to have him by my side and I want all of you to know that you can talk to him at any time with your concerns and also know that I am in the best possible hands to get me through this along with all of you.

All of this will really start for me tomorrow after my first meeting with the breast surgeon specialist.  I have today to get my butt in gear and be ready for what is about to come.  Again, I decided to do this blog as a way to keep all of you informed and up to date.  It will be hard and somewhat stressful to try to remember who I told what to so this is how I've decided to handle this part.

What I need now from you, my team:

- No pity; only positive thoughts.  I don't want people feeling sorry for me.  It is what it is :)
- Strength - lots of it.
- Feedback - talk/comment to me and each other here, and feel free to call me anytime.  It's o.k., really.
- Humor - hey, s*i% happens.  Laughter and smiling a lot will probably help :)

What I need to do:

Focus on positive things.  I have lots of things in the works that will require positive attention like planning Rosie and Michael's wedding; continuing my research on eventual move to Ireland to reside there for a while (in fact meeting with an Irish fella today for lunch on just that topic), promised off-roading fun with Tim, Paula and Ian to put our jeeps to the test, singing and performing per usual hobby.
- Stress relief - if anyone has any bright ideas on helping me learn how to breathe.  Oddly, this is the first thing I ever learned how to do, but can't seem to remember to do it all the time these days.  I can barely unclench my jaws these days - argh!
- Conquering the "C" word that keeps creeping into my every thought.  No matter what I'm doing, even sleeping, that darn cancer is at the forefront of my mind.  Need to retrain my brain somehow.
- Exercise, sleeping through the night and good nutritian all need to be moved to the top of my priority.  I started by buying that nutribullet a week ago and have been getting more fresh, organic fruits and vegies than I have in ages.  Good stuff :)

So there you have it.  Thanks to all of you for everything and mostly for your love and caring.  We'll beat this and laugh about it now and later.  Let's go team!


  1. I read Cheryl's pathology report today. Will wait for the surgeon to verify, but it looks to be stage 1A, which is the more curable form.

    Early detection is the single biggest factor in cancer survival, and Cheryl caught this about as early as it could be caught.

  2. Happy to hear the stage seems early! Cheryl has always been one to cause trouble and she's stubborn as at least half a mule - you know which half! I eagerly join the team because I like being on winning teams, Cheryl deserves our full support and I am thankful to be in a position to be in her corner. Let's fight the fight and win

    1. Thanks Tim. I'll show you subborn!! We'll be on the off road trails in no time at all. My jeep will win! Thanks for all of your support and that of Paula and your kids as well. We'll get through this.

  3. Cheryl, I am so sorry to hear this dam bad news. How many more have to get this disease before a cure if found. Right now the leading medical professionals is at M.D. Anderson in Houston. They are the best in the world. I have already lokked into them just in case I need to further treatment. Just know my prayers are with you and Guy. The power of prayer is what has got me through this so far.

    1. Thanks for the prayers Frank - keep 'em coming and I'll throw a bunch your way too. We can do this. Hugs to you and Ann <3

  4. Sending love and positive thoughts your way Cheryl. Dan and I join Team Cheryl and are ready for the fight and win! Catching this early is great. We are here and available for whatever is needed along this journey. Love, Debbie and Dan and family

  5. Thank you Debbie. We have been through so much together, who knew this would be on the list of things to come?? Thanks for your continued support and friendship <3
