Today I am 4 weeks post surgery. I am feeling pretty good. Energy is almost back to normal and I am for the most part pain free. I feel no pain and very good on the right side and the left side is coming along albeit a bit slower. The left side feels tight and uncomfortable with a lot of sensitivity to the skin which is most likely nerves reconnecting. I had the lymph node taken from the left side as well - so more work was done on that side and it makes sense that it is taking longer to heal. There is still some difficulty with full range of motion on the left side and I am not supposed to be doing anything that over works the pec muscles - so still taking it easy with upper body movements. The worst part for me is that my back aches constantly and more than usual from the lack of upper body exercise and from having to sleep only on my back for these past weeks. Some of you may know that my spine is fused from T-4 to L-2 so I am not very flexible in the back. As I have lost some muscle tone and have not been able to stretch properly, my back has really tightened up. I can't wait to be able to stretch and move in a normal manner to help remedy this issue.
I have been doing a lot of walking, eating and resting in order to get ready for chemo which starts on Wednesday. I'm as ready and prepared as one can be and have faith that I will weather this next phase in my battle with strength and grace. I'm hoping to be able to get out every day for some sort of exercise to try to combat the fatigue that comes along with chemo. And, I am hoping to take a yoga class to see if that helps to get my range of motion back and also to relieve some tension in my back.
So, all in all I feel that I am doing very well and right on schedule. The battle continues and will be ramping up but I feel more than ever that I will be better and stronger on the other side of all of this with the cancer behind me and lots of life to look forward to.
Hey, I know this isn't quite your situation, but I came across this article and thought I'd share it with you. I like the spirit these ladies have. Hang in there!
Thanks Mick. I agree, these ladies have good spirit and great creativity. Thanks for sharing.