Round 1 day 5, feeling much better than I did for the past 2 days but still varies by the minute. I slept a lot over the past two days, but have been alert and awake all day today. The bone pain continues along with the stomach cramping issues which is the most frustrating part. I had some nausea this afternoon which I was able to keep at bay with anti-nausea meds and this has resolved as the day has moved along. The walking continues to be the best medicine so far and Guy is persistent in getting me out there to move my body and breathe fresh air. The past two walks, we ran into a peacock in our neighborhood - nice surprise :)
Another thing that I need to do is to hone in on the foods that I should be eating to combat the stomach problems to get past this hurdle. So far, it's a lot of hit and miss as to what is going to make me feel awful. There is a lot of trial and error that has to take place before I will know how my body will respond. My skin is getting more irritated and rashy as the chemo drugs affect the skin cell layers; another challenge. Hopefully, I will continue to feel better and stronger each day leading up to the next infusion.
I went to my reconstructive surgeon this afternoon and he is impressed by the level of healing from the surgery and feels very positive about the future results and progress. We decided to go ahead with the first tissue expansion and it went very smoothly. Completely painless. The doctor numbed the area and inserted a needle into the port of each expander and inserted a small amount of saline solution to each side to aid in the stretching process. Everything went well and I don't feel any discomfort yet from the expansion. Although, with the pain meds that I am taking for the bone pain, I doubt I'll feel any discomfort at all.
Emotionally, I have felt a bit fragile over the past couple of days. I think a lot of it has to do with the medications themselves. I feel like crying for no apparent reason on and off during the day and it subsides as quickly as it comes on. Or, just as quickly I can become very grouchy - which isn't as much of a stretch for me :) Lots for the body and mind to deal with but hanging in there and remaining positive.
You are doing wonderful Cheryl. Thank goodness you have Guy to help get you out of the house and getting fresh air, best medicine for your body, that and sleep. We are all rooting for you! Bobbi