Thursday, October 3, 2013

No tissue expansion today :)

Today I went to my reconstructive surgeon fully expecting my first saline injection into the tissue expanders.  The doctor confirmed that I am healing very well but decided against the planned expansion for the time being for a couple of reasons:

- I am having a lot of discomfort on the left side.  I still have some bruising along with a bit of swelling and hardness.  In addition, there is a lot of over-sensitivity of the skin - pins and needles feelings as the nerves are trying to regenerate.
- The right side skin is still kind of over-stretched and he wants to let that be for a few more weeks before trying to stretch it even more.

I am somewhat relieved that we did not expand today as I have heard that it can be quite painful for a few days afterwards and we are planning a little get away this weekend to have some fun before chemo begins.  I can't wait for a change of scenery and to get further from this house than the doctor's office and the grocery store!  Thanks to my lovely husband for insisting that we take some time to get away and spend some relaxing quality time together away from the recovery zone :)

The doctor gave me a prescription today for Neurontin to help ease the nerve pain on the left side.  When he handed me the prescription he indicated that this drug is commonly used for seizures and that it is important to wean off of it slowly rather than just to stop taking it, or it could possibly cause a seizure - yikes!  I'm feeling right now like I might not fill the prescription as the pain that I feel is not intolerable - just annoying and frustrating at this point.  And, since I will be starting chemo in two weeks wherein my body will be infiltrated with drugs, I'm not sure that I want to add more prior to chemo unless it is absolutely necessary.  I'm thinking that it might be best to suck up the discomfort and tough it out at this point.  Any thoughts?

The big news from the doctor's visit is that I can begin soaking in the bathtub again.  Yes, yes, yes!  How I've missed my evening baths.  And, I can finally get out of this post-surgical camisole that I've been wearing night and day for the last three weeks (switching between two for laundering, of course).  Things are progressing in the healing department and I am feeling stronger with more energy every day for the time being.

Positive thoughts and feelings do help with recovery and I must say that my mental state throughout all of this has been very good and I do believe that is why I am recovering so nicely.  Thanks to all of my family and friends for the continued positive reinforcement.  Love you all!


  1. I had Neurotin for a brief time, stopped it quickly and suffered no consequences. If the pain or discomfort is limiting your well being or recovery, consider taking the medication. In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the change of scenery. Love to you both. Esther

  2. Esther, thank you very much for the feedback. I appreciate the advice.
