You know when your hair gets to that awkward in between stage and is driving you crazy? Well, that has been me for the past couple of weeks. With chemotherapy just nine days away and hair loss likely a couple of weeks after that, what's a girl to do?
I went to a very cheap hair salon today after picking up a prescription at CVS. I sat down in the chair and here's how it went...
-Me: I want a very, very short haircut. Like a really short pixie style.
-Hair stylist: Why do you want to go so short, you are a very pretty woman and you don't want to look like a boy.
-Me: I just want it really short. I don't want to have to style it or anything.
-Hair stylist: Well, you need to have some sort of bangs because you have a long forehead and it will look funny without bangs.
-Me: OK, leave a little bangs, but other than that go really short.
What was I really thinking? Hey lady, you have no idea just how much real estate I'll be sporting on that forehead in just a couple of weeks. Get to clipping!
So, I got that short in between doo... in between hair today and gone tomorrow :) It's only hair and I kinda like it really short.
Sexy hair do their girl! Bobbi