I feel like I'm finally turning the corner on chemo round 3. Today is day 13 and my energy level has increased and I feel a lot more human. For the past two weeks I felt like I'd been shot but didn't fall down (to borrow a line from a Lucinda Williams song). The fatigue was horrible and I developed neuropathy which I now have to take more medicine for. And there were the usual stomach issues and bone pain to contend with. All but the fatigue and neuropathy have subsided leaving me to feel a lot better. The neuropathy is a strange thing. My fingers and toes are numb but my hands and feet get extremely cold. I could not feel the right side of my right foot earlier and all I could do was take a hot bath to get the feeling back. Weird...
I have started physical therapy to try to address the back pain that has gotten progressively worse since I began chemotherapy. Due to the decrease in exercise and the increase of sitting/laying around and putting more pressure on my back bones and muscles the pain in that area as increased significantly. I'm hoping that by undergoing physical therapy and getting on a regular routine of appropriate stretches and exercises that I can get ahead of the game in getting my body back into good physical condition once I have completed my treatments. So far it seems to be helping to ease some of the pain.
All of last week I attempted to get out and walk every day. Just getting around the block left me exhausted and very winded. Today I clocked 1.25 miles and felt great. I love this phase in the cycle when I start to feel better and know that I have 10 days until the next treatment where I can get a thing or two accomplished and move my body and get out of the house. There will be both good and not so good days but the good will outnumber the bad at this point and for that I am grateful.
So, what will I do with the next 10 days? I will attempt to get out and walk each day, try to hit the gym and do light circuit weights every other day, go to physical therapy, visit my doctor and be extremely thankful to be alive and doing as well as I am considering the circumstances.
I hope that everyone reading this will stay warm in this chilly weather, hold those near and dear to you close and don't take your health for granted. Take good care of yourselves!
Also, thanks so much for all of the lovely cards of good wishes that you have and continue to send to me. I have strung them all up on the walls going up and down my staircase. I pass by and see them every time I go up or down the stairs and I soak in all of the good vibes and well wishes as I walk by. My staircase is wonderfully decorated with love and it makes me smile and I feel the love every time I walk by those cards. Thank you....
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