Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 5 post surgery - The Princess and the Pea

Day 5 post surgery has not been too bad.  Pain has let up a bit and I've pushed aside the heavy narcs for Tylenol today.  I suspect I'll be grabbing for the heavy duties at bedtime to ensure a good night's sleep.  I've been a bit more active today, on and off - at least not sleeping the entire day away.  I decided to finally open the bedroom door and let the cats back in and they are soooooo happy to be able to resume their spots on the bed and I'm happy to have the company.  Until now, I didn't want to take a chance on one of them walking across my chest (ouch!) while I was sleeping.  They will be disappointed when they are kicked out again at bedtime - oh well.

Oddly, one of my favorite stories when I was a child was The Princess and the Pea.  Little did I know I would turn into that Princess when I grew up.  I think I am driving Guy crazy with every adjustment I am asking him to make for me.  I feel every wrinkle in the sheets, pillows and my clothing.  If one thing is out of place it makes me insane.  It's amazing how sensitive your skin becomes when attempting to overcome trauma.  Hmmmmm, could this be why Guy has locked himself in his office for more hours than usual today?

Now, for the evening plans...heading downstairs to sit on patio to catch the last of the sunshine for today.  After that I want nothing more to shower and wash my hair as the hair washing days will soon be gone for a while.  Imagine the money I'll save on hair products!  Then, dinner and back to bed for popcorn and movie with my hubby.  Good evening all <3

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