Monday, September 2, 2013

Drawing strength from others and letting go...

Every day is different.  Today I'm feeling very strong and optimistic about the road ahead.  It is strange to think that I have a killer disease inside of my body as I type this, yet I feel healthy and strong.

Today, I am thankful for all of the women who have battled this disease before me.  They have paved the road to my recovery along with millions of others.  I am sad for those that lost their lives to this disease and my heart goes out to their families.  I draw strength from the stories of the brave survivors who had to endure months of painful treatments and came out the other side beautiful, brave, strong and healthy.

I remembered today, a teaching from my earlier, more religious days where it was said that if you were burdened with something that you did not feel you had the strength to deal with that you should just give it to God.  Hand the burden over and have faith that it will be taken care of.  Now, being the control freak that I am, I'm not sure that I can completely hand this thing over but I will make a big attempt to let some of it go.  There is only so much to this disease that I can control - the rest I will have to hand over and have faith.

I started the day with a nice long walk, then shopping and lunch with Rosie and then began to organize recovery clothes and getting things that I will want access to during recovery in easy reach.  These things I can control and can plan in advance for.

Today is a good day.  I feel good.  I am calm.  I am feisty!


  1. Good Job as my dad would have said. Cancer has been a way of life in my family, and from what my experiencing in dealing with this, is to just keep one foot in front of the other and keep moving and smiling. Keeping yourself busy is best. It is time to stop and smell the roses as it were. Michelle

    1. Thank you Michelle. Yes, keeping busy does help. I have a lot to be thankful for and smile about. Hugs to you, Shaun and Camryn <3
