Monday, September 16, 2013

Is there a train parked on my chest?

Surgery day came and went.  The day itself was crazy, scary but all went according to schedule and was not as bad as I thought it might have been.  I stayed in the hospital from Friday to Sunday and am home now resting well.  I felt yesterday as though I had a small car parked on my chest, today it appears to be more like a train.  Very heavy and sore feeling.  I've also developed a very itchy red rash on various parts of my torso which I need to discuss with the doc this morning.  It's either from the dressings or the surgical glue but it is driving me CraZy!

I'm still on pain meds and feeling pretty tired, so I'll keep this short.  Just wanted to let everyone know that all went well and that I am home now.  Your prayers definitely helped me get through this surgery with the success and good news that we were hoping for.  We're not out of the woods yet, but well on the way.  My heartfelt thanks goes out to each and every one of you.

Right after surgery in recovery room....


  1. Cheryl recovery will go much faster now that you are home. Stay rested and let Guy take care of you. Still praying that your recovery is swift and that you are back to a normal life. Hugs and love you! Bobbi

  2. I'm so glad things went well. Rest!
