Monday, September 23, 2013

Under construction...

Yesterday I was able to get out of the house for one of my first outings (besides doctors offices and pharmacies) since my surgery just over a week ago.  My husband drove me to Stanford University to visit the Rodin exhibit.  Before heading to the museum, we decided to take a leisurely stroll through the outdoor mall on campus.  It was kind of hysterical to me, with my warped sense of humor, to find myself just having both breasts removed, to be standing in front of a Victoria's Secret store.  I think I'll call this one "under construction".  Not ready to wander in just yet :)

As for the outing - I found myself terribly exhausted by the end of it all.  The exhibit really was wonderful and informative and I enjoyed it.  We were only there a little over an hour, but the standing and walking was so tiring after being pretty sedentary for the past week.  Little by little I'm getting my stamina back.  I just walked in the door from a two mile walk around the neighborhood and while it wasn't my usual 14 minute mile (more like 22 minutes) I felt good having walked all the way up the hill and back.

What I noticed while walking is that my ribs are really sore.  Not sure if it is a result of the surgery itself or too much lying around on my back during recovery.  Other than that I am not in too much pain today - mostly discomfort under the left arm where the lymph node was removed.  The right side feels pretty good today.  


  1. Glad you had fun! You need to still take it easy as you can have a setback trying to do too much. Love Ya

  2. It was great seeing you both on Friday evening and I hope we did not tire you out more with our visit. Try to take care of yourself. You look amazing as ususal. Again, eat and rest. We love you, Michelle & Shaun

    1. Shaun and Michelle, thank you very much for the visit. It was great to see you and so nice of you to stop by. <3
