Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just hours to go before surgery - aaaargh!

Some days it feels like a bad dream and others feel all to real.  As the surgery date approaches I wain back and forth between not believing that it will actually happen and feeling angry and scared that it will actually happen.  I am concentrating on getting my house ready to come home to recover and not have to really do any cleaning or anything for the first couple of weeks.  Lots to do, yet not enough to do to keep my mind from worrying.  

Last night Guy and I performed at our last open mic for a while.  It was fun - Guy sang and played guitar on his own for the first song.  We performed a duet for the second and he played while I belted out a blues tune for the third.  It was nice to get out and goof around with music for a little while.
I'm not sure how comfortable it will be to practice my guitar during recovery and may have to resort to my ukelele until I can maneuver around better.  We'll see.

After talking with the oncologist last week, I made the command decision to take the entire time off work during my chemotherapy treatments so that I can concentrate on resting well and taking good care of myself.  I was really worried about having to work while undergoing the treatments and pushing myself too hard at a time when I should really be concentrating on getting better.  Having made this decision has lifted a great deal of stress off of my shoulders.  I am very lucky to have such a wonderful boss who is understanding, encouraging, and flexible so that I am able to accomplish this.  So, tomorrow will be my last work day until the end of the year.  This week has been spent figuring out how to arrange finances to accomplish this and I believe that we have that part worked out now - whew!

I guess I can finally catch up on all the reading I always say I have no time for.    I will be able to help Rosie and Michael with wedding plans - yay!  Thank goodness for Netflix too!  Now, if my husband can only stand to have me around full time we'll be in good shape :)  I'll make every attempt to be a good patient and not ring the bell too often - hahaha.  My two cats will be thrilled to have a warm lap to curl up on during the days - although I'm not too thrilled about sharing my new Irish blanket with either of them.

OK, that's it for this one.  Clearly nervous rambling...

Love and hugs to all of you <3


  1. As you probably already know this, but I will say it anyway, if you qualify and I think you might, file for disablity, that will help a bit with finances. Just know that we have you in our thoughts, hearts, and wishing you nothing but the best. We want God to look over you in the time to come to guide through your surgery and recovery and I am sure he will. We love you very much and we are only a phone call away. Be strong and brave as I know you to be. Michelle, Shaun and Camryn. PS, everynight we are lighting candles of love and hope in your honor, we ask God in his name to protect you.

  2. Thank you so much Michelle, Shaun and Camryn. I will be calling on everyone's prayers to give me strength and comfort tomorrow. I look forward to catching up with you the other side of all of this <3
