Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mastectomy surgery recovery - stuck in the middle...

I find myself at that awkward place in surgery recovery.  I have turned the corner where I am not in much pain and no longer taking any medications.  I feel pretty good for the most part, just a little discomfort and some difficulty with range of motion in left arm/shoulder.  But...I still cannot drive, soak in the tub, lift anything over 5 pounds.  I feel good but I can't do as much as I'd like to.  I am stuck in the middle between being down and feeling normal again.  It is funny that just a month ago, I was complaining about not having enough time for recreational reading, exercising more, practicing my guitar and relaxation and down time.  Well, I got cancer and it looks like all of the things that I had been wishing for might just come along with the package.  Strange turn of events.  I keep hearing that mantra, Be Careful What You Wish For!

Doctors news this week...  
Monday, reconstructive surgeon told me that I am healing exceptionally well for being 10 days out from surgery.  He said that he has many patients who were not healed quite as nicely at this early stage of recovery.  We were happy to hear that news.  After seeing him every 2-3 days since surgery, I get a short break and don't have to go back to him until 10/3 for my first tissue expansion procedure.

Tuesday, general surgeon who performed mastectomy confirmed that pathology report indicates no lymph node involvement and that all tumors were removed with clear margins.  He too indicated that everything was healing nicely and that he was pleased with the outcome.  Still restricted to slow easy movements with left arm and no over

Encouraging news all around.  I'm hopeful that the oncologist will give me a couple of weeks before she begins chemotherapy so that I can get out of this house and perhaps take a small trip and have some fun before I'm down and out in chemo-land.  I'll find out more about this on Monday.  It probably sounds crazy, but I'd really like to be able to clean my house properly at this point.  It is driving me mad not to be able to vacuum and clean like I'd like to.  Guy is helpful, but he is not the housekeeper from heaven ;)  I know I'll be out and about and feeling much better in about a week or so - just so hard for me to be patient.  I have never been a home body and would much rather be on the move and looking for adventure.

The highlight of my week:  Monday evening Rosie and Michael came over after work and cooked dinner for us.  The two of them prepared a wonderful spaghetti dinner for us and spent time visiting.  I was so touched that they would drive all the way out on a work night to do something so nice.  Sweet kids and I love them so <3  Rosie and I even posed in my new wig and do-rag!

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